(Continuing from the last post)
KW: I have a question. How can I know the difference between new light and false prophecy?
Silence. Except for the crickets, of course.
JW: What do you mean by false prophecy? Do you mean in relation to this subject?
KW: In general. Do you remember one of our previous conversations when I told you about a friend of mine who belonged to a group which did make false prophecies? What if his leaders claimed to make an adjustment or if they said they had new light? How can I define a false prophet in such a way that he can’t use the excuse of new light?
In Deuteronomy 18 there is a test. If someone claims things in the name of the Lord and it doesn’t come true, then that is a false prophet. But if a false prophet could say, “Well, we got new light,” then how do I know if he is really a false prophet? How do you define a false prophet? Read More →
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