This is a continuation from the conversation posted yesterday August 25th, 2014. To get the context, read here first.
JW1: We all know that that’s not the case. We know that they are imperfect as well and that they are going to make mistakes, but the fact is, they are taking the lead.
KW: Are you telling me that it is better to listen to them and follow their direction, even if it is a mistake?
There was an awkward pause and then I got a very honest answer.
JW1: Yes, it is.
KW: That is scary.
JW1: It is because of this scripture right here (Hebrews 13:17).
KW: No.
Folks hear me out here. It is never okay for you to blindly follow orders. I think so many former Witnesses and Mormons are turned off by expectations like this (as they should be), but then they make the mistake of thinking that all religions are that way. It isn’t true. My pastor will be the first to tell you that if he wants me to do something that I think is wrong, it ain’t happening. Read More →
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