I am glad to be home! Yes, it has been a week since I’ve posted because I wanted to take some time off before I jumped right back into the madness. I arrived home Saturday night on time, but without my luggage.
Tag Archives: Moldova
I’m Home!
Moldova Journal # 10
A couple of days ago I received a comment on my Moldova Journal # 7 blog from an American who is here in the city of Kishinev. Justin and his wife Joni are here for five months working with a Christian agency. They, “are working with the Christian Agency for Micro Enterprise Development (CAMED) in Moldova. This agency provides micro and larger loans to small and medium-sized enterprises there, as well as provides Biblically-principled training for aspiring entrepreneurs. The agency sponsoring us is Business Professional Network, an international group of Christian businesspeople who desire to help local economies grow through business development. “
I just got off the phone with Justin and it is too bad that we were not able to connect earlier because they have many of good things to say on their blog, The Tapps to Moldova! They have been here a month already and have learned a lot about the country and its culture. I will be keeping up with their blog while back in the US and encourage you to do the same. I pray that they are able to make a great impact for Christ in this country.
Moldova Journal # 9
Here is a picture of some Jehovah’s Witnesses distributing Watchtower literature on a public sidewalk. They are everywhere in this country. I do not have the statistics available to me right now, but I do know that there is a greater ratio of JWs here in the country of Moldova than there are in the United States.
Moldova Journal # 8
On Sunday I had the privilege of hearing one of my former students preach. Serghei Moraru is one of the pastors at Kishinev Bible Church and has numerous responsibilities both at the church and at Moldova Bible Seminary. He preached a good sermon on having vision and what kinds of things that God dreams for us.
Moldova Journal # 7
Serghei is a friend of mine who is one of the pastors at Kishinev Bible Church and is also the dean of students at Moldova Bible Seminary. He was also one of my students four years ago. He called me Saturday morning to see if I wanted to go down town to do some shopping.

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