Are you ready for some football? I created a football pool seven years ago and invited family and friends to join. Since then I have opened it up to friends of the ministry. Competition will be stiffer this year and I hope to see someone topple our current two-time, defending champion, Chi Town. The winner of the season gets a $20 gift card to the restaurant of their choice. Sorry folks, but that means the winner has to be someone here in the US of A.
In order to join, you must register as a user at When registering, you will choose a personal username and password. Once you’ve entered as a registered user, go to the ‘User Tools’ menu and choose ‘Join a Private Pool’. Click on the “Pro Football Pick’em” icon in the upper left corner and then you will be asked to enter the Pool’s Login Name and the Pool’s Password.
For the Pool’s Login Name type: EMfootballpool
For the Pool’s Password type: football
That’s it and then you’re in! The next time you login to, you can go to ‘My Pools’ and you’ll see all pools that you belong to. Clicking on a pool name will take you to that pool. You can switch to a different pool by going to ‘My Pools’ again at any time. To Register, click here.
The only thing I ask is that if you are going to sign up for the football pool, please consider also signing up for our Evidence Ministries Newsletter and our email update list. You can do that here. There is no cost for the pool or the newsletters. Join in and lets have some fun!
And yes, this is open for Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons too. 😉
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