On Saturday there were two ladies from Kishinev Bible Church who were baptized by the Pastor, Eugene Sologubenco. Due to the increasing difficulty of finding a place that will allow them to baptize, they were able to hold the ceremony in a local Baptist church.
Tag Archives: Journal
Moldova Journal # 2
Moldova 2007- Journal One
Whew! I left on Thursday and it is already Saturday. Time is flying and I haven’t even started teaching my class yet. As many of you know, I’ve taught a course on Cults and world Religions at Moldova Bible Seminary ever since the year 2000. It has been a couple of years since I have been here and a lot has changed.
Before I get into excerpts from my journal (I haven’t written it yet), I wanted to post this funny picture. This scene was in the Frankfurt airport. I have no idea where these folks were from, where they were going or what in the world they were doing there, but they sure did attract a lot of attention.
The little dude there on the end with the instrument kept playing it and drawing more people’s interest every minute. They enjoyed the attention and just smiled at every one. Lots of people stopped to take their picture.
They are sitting right below an escalator and once when I was riding on it (hey, there isn’t much to do with five hour lay-overs), I looked down and saw some guy with a violin sitting with them and he was tuning it to sound similar to this other instrument. I regret not getting a picture of it because it sure would have made a nice shot. Two guys from two completely different cultures with two kinds of instruments making the same music together. I thought that was cool.
Be sure to check back when I will tell the story of how I managed to attract the attention of the guys with guns at the Frankfurt airport.
Manti Journal-6 2007
Tuesday, June 19th 2007
Totally unbeknownst to us, they had decided to come. There were a total of 10 people in their team. I thought it was funny that the first person they encountered on the street was Becky.
The beginning of my night was spent speaking with one of the local cops, Mark. I noticed that he had skateboard tape on the handle of his gun. Some times shooters will do that to help with their grip on the gun. Mark and I spoke about a lot of things, but not little of anything of a religious nature.
The only other conversation of note was with a guy named CJ. He was on the fringe of a small group of Mormons who were talking to a Christian from Salt Lake named Robert. The dude is a walking library. CJ was trying to jump into the conversation to break it up. I stood next to him and asked if he had a question for the guy speaking (Robert). He said that he really didn’t, he just wanted to make comments. I told him that I would like to hear his comments.
CJ was angry with Robert’s sign, Josephlied.com. He was telling me that we didn’t have an invitation to be there and that what we were doing was rude because we always started out with bad news. Mormons are always saying that we should just talk about what is positive in our religion without saying anything negative about theirs.
I pointed out that since this was a public event, we didn’t need an invitation to be there and then asked what if he served a mission. When he said he did, I asked him what the first lesson was about. He wasn’t sure what I was getting at so I reminded him about the apostasy. He then admitted that Mormonism would make no sense without the apostasy, i.e., the idea that all of Christendom was fallen. I asked him what the difference was in us starting out talking about the problems of Mormonism when they start out talking about the problems of Christianity. I think that was a new thought for him.
Later on in the conversation he said that he knows lots of Christians and that they always accuse Mormons of focusing on works and not grace. He tried to tall me that they believe in grace also. He then said, “We believe in grace too. Yes, we believe that you have to be baptized… and yes, we need to do temple works… and then there is performing the ordinances and keeping the commandments.” I interjected, “And all those other works.” He repeated, “And all those other works, but we really believe in grace!”
I thought it was very telling that he didn’t even see the problem with his last statement.
Manti Journal-5 2007
Saturday, June 16th 2007
Manti Journal-4 2007
Before I get to Saturday part-2, I wanted to mention something that happened on Thursday night. Aaron Shafovaloff lives here in Utah and often street preaches. He will walk around with a sign and talk about how Joseph Smith had 30 something wives, how some of them were as young as 14 and others were already married to other Mormon men.
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