This was a weird meeting. It was the first time we met after my two week long mission trip to Manti, Utah. As I was leaving my office, I picked up a pen to take with me in case I wanted to write something down on a sheet of paper. I decided against it because I use my iPad for taking notes and my Jehovah’s Witness friend always has a pen anyways. I literally had the pen in my hand and then set it down on my desk and left. At the time I didn’t know why that happened, but it became clear to me later on in our discussion. Read More →
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Logic And Taking God’s Name In Vain Part 2
Continuing from Part 1
JW: We need to look at distinguishing God or Jehovah from other gods.
KW: I am a monotheist so I don’t need to make a distinction. There are no other true Gods so when I say “God” I am only referring to the one true God.
JW: Let’s look at Isaiah 42:8. “I am Jehovah. That is my name; I give my glory to no one else, Nor my praise to graven images.” See, there is a connection between God’s personal name and His reputation or glory.
KW: Right, what is glorious though? A pronunciation or the reputation?
JW: Well, the pronunciation depends on the language.
KW: I still don’t understand. I have a problem with the inconsistency. Because if God really wants me to use His name and a specific pronunciation is important to Him then I don’t understand why other pronunciations in other languages are acceptable. If God’s name really is Yahweh, and Jehovah really doesn’t sound like Yahweh, then what is the difference between calling Him Jehovah or calling Him Lord? If they are both substitutes, then what is the difference? Read More →
Logic And Taking God’s Name In Vain With A Jehovah’s Witness Pioneer, Part 1
Today started off a little different because the restaurant we go to was packed and it was loud. Since that is not conducive to a deep theological discussion, we decided to go to another restaurant. One interesting thing of note was that my Pioneer friend came alone. His wife had a school function she needed to attend so this is the first time he came by himself. I always enjoy the one on one conversations better because the individual Witness is forced to rely only on himself. There isn’t anyone there to bail him out of a trouble spot in the conversation. I find that there is a whole lot more I can say and even challenge them on when they are alone. Read More →
Questioning The Name Of God With A Jehovah’s Witness Pioneer
(A Continuation of the last post) After I finished describing my recent trip to Israel, my Jehovah’s Witness Pioneer friend transitioned our conversation to the “Teach” book. His wife was starting to look a little impatient that I had spent so much time talking about Israel and not getting into our study sooner. Little does she know, I could have spoken about that trip for hours. As we discuss different things from the book, I will continue to speak about my time in Israel. I’ve got lots of little truth nuggets I can use later.
JW1 had me read paragraph 11 from chapter one and then asked me the obligatory questions from the bottom of the book. He doesn’t know this yet and I am sure some of my new readers don’t know this either, but I have explained on this blog before how I prefer to ask my own questions instead of having them provided for me. The book has numbered every paragraph and then gives corresponding questions on the bottom of the page. No Bible is needed to answer any of the questions. All the reader has to do is look back up the numbered paragraph and give the answer you just read from the book. Read More →
Describing My Trip To Israel To A Jehovah’s Witness Pioneer
I recently spent two weeks in Israel on a tour with Chip and Jamie Thompson of TriGrace Ministries. When I returned home, I met with my Jehovah’s Witness Pioneer friends again and spent the first hour of our conversation talking about Israel and showing them pictures from my adventures. I wasn’t planning on writing about that part of our conversation here, but the more I think about it, the more I realize how important it is that I do so. It is important for a number of reasons.
This blog, The Edge, has a rich mix of readers. Some of you are Christians interested in Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism or both. Some of you Christians have come from those backgrounds. Others are not Christians, but are still interested in JWs and Mormons because you either are one or use to be. Regardless of why you follow this blog, I think it is important that I share my experiences in Israel because what I have learned can benefit all of you. Read More →
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