I should have posted this earlier, but it is that time of year again! We begin training and preparing our Manti Mission Team for the mission trip in June. That is the good news. The better news is that the training is open to Christians who wants to learn more about Mormonism and how to witness to them. We will conduct seven weekly training sessions starting on Thursday, April 28 and will go through Monday, June 9. We will be meeting at Community Bible Church in room P-7B (portable) from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. The portables are behind the building. Childcare is available with advance notice.
Our class schedule is as follows.
April 28- Introductions and The Mormon Puzzle Video.
May 5- The Mormon World View of Exaltation.
May 12- Mormonism’s Impossible Gospel Part 1.
May 19- Mormonism’s Impossible Gospel Part 2.
May 26- Explaining the Gospel to Mormons.
June 2- God Is Not A Man.
June 9- Role-playing to apply what you have learned.
Our training sessions are always fun and informative. You will learn more about Mormonism than you ever thought you could know. You will gain a heart for the Mormon people and will be equipped to reach out in love to those who are lost. Training materials will be available for purchase. We look forward to seeing you there. Feel free to bring a friend!
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