I usually meet with my Jehovah’s Witness buddy on Wednesday mornings, but not today. I received a text message from him a couple of days ago and he had another meeting today so he wanted to let me know that we could still meet next week. I told him that I was going to be out of town for the next two Wednesdays so we will have to pick it up in July. We are calling this our Summer break.
Please keep praying for him. I will text him every now and then and ask a question about the list of verses I gave him two weeks ago. Feel free to comment below and let me know what questions you think I should ask him about the list. This should be fun. You can help me witness to my Witness buddy by texting him questions. 😉
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Keith, I was just thinking that perhaps you might ask this Jw Elder something like this :
Jw’s claim that to know God in a personal way is to know and use His personal name
“Jehovah ” , and that those who thus call Him Jehovah distinquish themselves as THE
true christians today . Yet it was’nt until July of 1931 that members of the Watchtower
Bible and Tract Society took and embraced the name ” Jehovah”s ” witnesses . So
before 1931 did these people really know God in a personal way ? Think Jn 17:3 .
Now before this time they were going door to door claiming that they alone knew the
really important truths about God , yet they did’nt introduce or emphasize themselves
to be “Jehovah’s ” witnesses , like today . What does this all mean as far as being able
to trust the message they bring to our doors today ?
My wife and I are praying for this Jw you’re meeting with .
God Bless your efforts in reaching out to Jw’s with the truth that can set them free .