One of the things our kids always pray for is their Uncle Kimo who is currently serving the Army in his second tour in Iraq. If Mommy or Daddy forgets, the kids will always remind us to pray that Uncle Kimo is safe and comes home soon. Whenever we see soldiers, the kids get excited because they remind them of their uncle. They will run up to them and tell them that their uncle is in Iraq and that they always pray for him. Every solider we have talked to appreciates the thoughtfulness of our kids. This jewel was inspired by Uncle Kimo.
Yesterday our son put a little wooden stool on his head like it was a helmet. He then stated that he was a soldier in the “Army of Uncle Kimo.”
Important note: We will not reveal the names of our children on this blog. Any comment that mentions our children’s names will be deleted. It is nothing personal, we just feel that it is an important safety measure for our family. If you would like to read the other FTJB entries, click on the “From the Jewel Box” link in the side bar on the right or on the Jewel Box icon at the end of this paragraph. Come on parents! Feel free to share special jewels from your precious children. Just know that on this blog, our kids are the cutest!
You have a very creative little man there! love the pictures! LOL! He needs some shades and he’ll be set! 😉