Do you see that up there? There is something new on our blog right above and to the left of my hat in the banner image. Nope, not in the image itself, but in the black bar at the top of the screen. Yes, at the top of the screen, opposite from the Search field. THERE it is! Conversations With JW Elder. I created a new page for our blog which organizes my “Conversations With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder” in the order in which they occurred.
The series, “A Conversation With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder” is by far the most popular posts on our blog. When people ask me how I witness to Jehovah’s Witnesses, I regularly point them to this series. All of the posts can be found by a tag in the column on the right side of the blog, but unfortunately the posts are ordered from newest to oldest. We have created this page in order to accommodate those who want to read the conversation from the beginning. The first link is when I met my Jehovah’s Witness elder friend at the annual Memorial of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 2013. The rest of the links are in order chronologically.
I hope this will be helpful for our readers. Feel free to share this blog with anyone you think would benefit from reading it.
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