I’ve added a new blog to my Personal Blogs section on the right side bar. It is titled, “Bloggity-Blog-Blog-Blog.” Randy and Heather Gauthier are friends of ours who left San Antonio for South Africa. Randy is pursuing a doctorate. If I remember correctly, it is in Biblical languages. Since Randy is busy with his studies, Heather has been keeping up with their blog.
Heather has got to be one of the most creative people we have ever met. She can completely redecorate an apartment with very little money. We visited them once when they were living in Chicago and she had flip-flops and music sheets tacked on the wall. I know it sounds funny, but it looked really good. Her unique style of creativity can be seen in her blog posts as well. You can see some of what she can do on their Grand Tour post on their blog. There are some nice pictures of South Africa too.
Drop by their blog and feel free to leave a comment. The Gauthiers love being able to keep in touch with family and friends.
Thank you Keith, such kind words.-Randy