On April 26th, John Piper posted a short, five minute podcast on his web site about how to respond to Jehovah’s Witnesses when they come knocking on your door. It has been brought to my attention three times now by three different people. You can listen to it here.
Before I begin, I want people to understand that this is not a criticism of John Piper. He is a very respected Christian preacher, author, former Bible College professor and pastor. I have benefitted from his ministry. This is a criticism of the method of witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses he advocates in his podcast. Nothing more. Remember, method, not the man. I will be explaining our points of agreement, disagreement and suggestions for alternate ideas by quoting Piper and then responding with my thoughts. I encourage you to take the few short minutes that it takes to listen to the podcast before you read any further. Read More →
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