Continuing our discussion from yesterday, you might be surprised to find out that I didn’t always think that there are problems with Mormonism. In fact, I came to the conclusion that I needed to defend it from the attacks of other Christians. Listen to this podcast to find out how I first learned about Mormonism.
Earlier this year I was interviewed by Bill McKeever of Mormonism Research Ministry. We discussed the Impossible Gospel of Mormonism as taught in General Conference Addresses.
If you want to learn how to witness to your Mormon family and friends, this valuable approach can be very helpful. Click here for part two. Parts two through five will be posted each day of this work week.
great interview , it was interesting to hear how you got started in ministry to the Mormon
people. I agree that it’s extremely important to define terms when discussing
Mormonism . The times when I have been privileged to teach about Mormonism with
the adult Sunday school class in my church it never gets old seeing the stunned look
on peoples faces when they hear what Mormon leaders have taught about God / Jesus etc. They had never heard that Mormon leaders taught such , so it really took them
by surprise . It’s important that people know this information .
Thanks for serving God in reaching the Mormon people for Jesus , and also for equipping
non-Mormons to be informed about what Mormonism teaches .