Check out a video about this year’s Manti trip. Aaron Shafovaloff of Mormonism Research Ministry put some pictures together with a song that ended up becoming the unofficial theme song for this year’s mission trip. Every night of the pageant the Christians would get together under a light pole, sing and pray before we hit the streets. Nearly every praise and prayer session ended with us singing this song. It is a very moving experience.
Hi this is Deb (Scoob Serious), I really like your site..I wanted to attend the Pagent this year, I almost did because I was going to come with Annette but she witnessed to my husband and he freaked out big time (he’s Mormon),so!!! I went and supported thislady at the Southern Baptist Church here in Mt. Pleasant instead…Anyway, I was L.D.S. for30yrs., I converted in 87′.I was really looking forward toattending…I am a PentecostalChristian bought by the Blood ofJesus and I believe deeply thatthe outreach is a must…I intendedon attending that I asked God what He wanted to say…He gave me theScripture ACTS 26:18, but I neverwent to deliver the messege,I hope to get involved with you people…being from Mt. Pleasant and no car, I will attend a servicebut I don’t know when…I am ina wheelchair, I have a very powerful testimony conceringphysical/mental/Spiritual healing.I was comatose for almost 3 month’sScoob Serious will play a smallconcert Aug. 12th at Manti CityBuilding 7:00p.m. to 9:00p.m.,He is a demon slayer so get ready for war.