February 17, 2006
My brother came to visit and our son asked if Uncle Steve was coming to live in “San-i-o to-do.” That is how he use to pronounce “San Antonio.”
Important note: We will not reveal the names of our children on this blog. Any comment that mentions our children’s names will be deleted. It is nothing personal, we just feel that it is an important safety measure for our family. If you would like to read the other FTJB entries, click on the “From the Jewel Box” link in the side bar on the right or on the Jewel Box icon at the end of this paragraph. Come on parents! Feel free to share special jewels from your precious children. Just know that on this blog, our kids are the cutest!
A story for ya…My wife calls me @ work The other morning, and tells me that our youngest, Maggie had woke up, and was wanting a bottle of milk.Desiring to weed her off of the bottle, my wife tells her that she needs to eat breakfast first, some oatmeal. She tells my DW no (she’s 21 mths – and says Milk. My wife again tells her Oatmeal first, then Milk. And then Maggie throws a fit. Not one to give into a fit, Lisa was firm with her, and our daughter quieted down about it, until she heard Maggie go into the next room, grab her little play cell phone, come back into the kitchen, punch some numbers, and say clearly “Daddy, Mommy no Milk”