You are invited to join the EM football pool. In order to join, you must register as a users at When registering, you will choose a personal username and password. Once you’ve entered as a registered user, go to the ‘User Tools’ menu and choose ‘Join a Private Pool’. You will be asked to enter the Pool’s Login Name and the Pool’s Password.
For the Pool’s Login Name type: EMfootballpool
For the Pool’s Password type: football
That’s it and then you’re in! The next time you login in to, you can go to ‘My Pools’ and you’ll see all pools that you belong to. Clicking on a pool name will take you to that pool. You can switch to a different pool by going to ‘My Pools’ again at any time. To Register, click here:
If you see this post after the first week of the season, you can still join. Just send an e-mail to me of who you would have picked (be honest!) and I can add those picks in for you. As the administrator, I get lots of privileges!
Go Dolphins!
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